Milestones, Milestones
Since going back to work I've been bad about taking pictures, but there have been so many changes that it's worth a post, even if I don't have a pic to go with them...
- Lily is now wearing outfits! Okay, not really a milestone, but she looks darn cute. As she is now almost 4 months old I've decided it's time for her to wear the many clothes people have given us rather than the standard onsies she's lived in the past months. Of course she usually urps on them and winds up back in a onsie, but for the few minutes she is pristine, she looks lovely.
- She's now about 14 pounds - almost double her birth weight! She's grown out of her newborn clothes and socks as well. It makes me sad that the tiny stage is already over, but I do love how plump and cuddly she is and how non-floppy her head has become.
- Sounds, sounds, sounds. She is experimenting with new ones all the time. The main ones are still ohhhh, ahhhh and grunts, but she is increasingly expressive. She's also developed a weird new cry that sounds like the baby velociraptor from Jurassic Park. Not sure how keen I am on that one.
- Hands, hands, hands...she's starting to actually grab and hold things! She is still fascinating watching her own little paws, but now there is some added dexterity that is really exciting to see. Her thumb and finger sucking is also more frequent...must get a pic of that as it really is cute.
- Kicking and squirming - in the morning when you peer into the crib and say "Lily-Lily-Lily!" she smiles, raises her arms up and kicks her legs. It's like she's cheering and it melts my heart.
- Wakefullness. She is napping less and less and alert more and more, always studying things intently and discovering her world. Her eyes are so beautiful and intelligent I know she will accomplish anything she sets her heart to.
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