Wow - 9 months already?
Is it really possible that our precious girl turned 9 months old yesterday?? It feels like she's always been in our lives, but it also seems that time is flying by at break-neck speed. More and more her cheery personality is emerging as she continues to develop and change. Here's what's new
- Chompers! Lily's first tooth broke through last weekend and by the 1st she was the proud owner of one bottom tooth. It's neighbor will undoubtedly be making an appearance soon
- Mom and Dad as Jungle Gym. Apparently we're good for climbing AND cuddling
- What's out there? Lil now likes to pull back the curtains next to her changing table and watch the world go by
- Crawling! Her Father's Day gift to Chris this year. Mobility is a scary thing
- Standing? I've gotten a few "Ouch Reports" from KinderCare as Lily is determined to stand...which is resulting in a few bumps. My guess is that her tiny wee feet just aren't yet a firm foundation....especially seeing as she still fits into 3 month shoes!
- Yes, I want to stand! She locks her knees when you go to sit her down so she can keep standing. She's a determined little miss.
- Arm wraps. When we carry her around she wraps her little arm around our arms. It's heart-meltingly sweet
- Adventurous eating. She's now onto small finger-food (Cheerios, puffs, freeze-dried corn and peas) as well as World Baby entrees. Sweetie Tahiti seems to be the favorite. Makes sense
- Vocal, vocal, vocal. Her adorable repetoire continues to grow
- Mimicking. In the mornings after her bottle we go back and forth with brrrrrrrs, thpssssssts and ahhhhhhhhhs. It's the best conversation of my day
- Bettie Page pose. Now she likes to kneel a lot. When she does this on our laps and we're supporting her, she puts both hands behind her head and strikes a pose. It's ridiculously cute
- Baby breakout! We had to lower her crib as she can now get on her knees and likes to hang onto and suck on the crib rail. Chris is convinced she is trying to escape
- Growing, growing, growing. We went to the doctor on Friday for her 9-month appointment (she didn't even cry when they pricked her heel!) and she's now 30th% for height, 78th% for weight and her wee noggin is 50th. Overall her weight-to-height ratio is the 90th wonder Chris calls her the Pudgling :)
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