25 Random Things About Lily
1) Current favorite snack is snow. Seriously – on snowy mornings Lily loves nothing more than the take a snowball in the car and eat it on the way to school. You’d think the discomfort of holding something so cold would dissuade her, but no, it doesn’t
2) Lily loves, loves, loves dogs and cats, but lately she loves dog licks especially. She frequently goes up to Paco, sticks her hand on his wet snout and says “lick it! LICK IT!”
3) She’s a mini Ma Bell and will talk on the phone for lengthy periods of time – even if no one is there
4) Calls with actual people are also appreciated – she’ll actually request I call Uncle Tommy and Auntie Lisa so she can say hello
5) The treadmills is her friend and she enjoys taking a stroll on ours. Yes, we supervise her
6) Dancing remains a huge favorite, with most songs ending with arms spread in a “Ta-Da!” formation
7) Sweeping is also a favorite pastime…she may have a bright future in either the janitorial services or the exciting world of professional Curling
8) The art of procrastination is one she has learned quickly – not even 2 ½ and already she can stretch the going to bed routine into an hour-long process
9) She thinks mini shopping carts are way cool – but putting them back is a big ‘ol bummer
10) She also thinks roaring at the zoo lions is great – but is terrified when they actually
11) Her favorite bedtime animal is Little Monkey…but when the monkeys at the zoo come too close she is NOT pleased
12) Thomas the Tank Engine’s song is currently her favorite tune
13) Lily eats much better dinners when we all sit down as a family and she sees us eating the same things
14) She’s a potty pro at school…even staying dry during naptime….but isn’t terribly interested at home
15) Art projects have consistently been HUGE with her for the last year and a half
16) She offered to pick her Dad’s nose the other day (he respectfully declined)
17) Has just started picking her own clothes in the morning
18) Band-Aids are FUN and there should be one somewhere on her person at all times
19) She’s quite popular at school – even with the other parents. I hear lots of stories like “Lily is so funny – she went through my purse the other day!”
20) Actually likes carrots and broccoli, God bless her
21) Seeing her “read” and reenact “Hippos Go Berserk” and “Goodnight Gorilla” is heart-wrenchingly sweet
22) Is entering the “I want Mommy” when Daddy is there and “I want Daddy” when Mommy is there phase. Of course when we are both there it’s “I want Mawee” or “I want Weesa” for Mary and Lisa
23) Even when she hasn’t been swimming in a while, she takes to it like she’s been a fish her whole life
24) Her temper is fierce, but fortunately doesn’t last too long
25) She is the greatest love of our lives
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