Holidays are here again...
...and that means it's time to see SANTA! After last year's display of anti-Santaism we honestly didn't know what to expect, but when we mentioned visiting the big guy she seemed to be genuinely thrilled. The whole way to Northgate she asked "Where's Santa? Where IS HE?!" By the time we got there, she was practically vibrating with excitement. We thought for sure this would be the year we'd get the picture with the big smile - we had a giddy 3-year-old, a jolly Santa and no wait - what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Then it came time to actually approach and (gasp) sit on Santa.
Long story, short - Lily was having none of it. No siree, she wasn't going anywhere NEAR the strange, bearded, fat guy. He offered her candy canes and the photo girls gave her a reindeer, all to no avail. Sure, she was happy enough to accept the candy and the reindeer, but firmly drew the line at lap-sitting.
We like to think of ourselves as decent parents so we know better than to force our child to sit on a stranger's lap against her will in exchange for sugary treats. However, we were there and I had my new camera so darn it, a picture was going to happen. Thankfully, one of the perks of marriage that that there are two of you to deal with Santa crises, so with a little encouragement (and no candy), Chris demonstrated how you ask Santa for a present. Lily was impressed, but still not buying ultimately she just sat on Chris and got a picture Santa-adjacent. Note the "I don't know about you" look on her face - I think it's priceless.
In case you were wondering, she did make a present request in the end. Truly her father's daughter, she asked for a screwdriver (actually a "screwverdriver"). A pink one.
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