Prime Rib & Santa Bravery
Oh geez, time has once again gotten away from me. Of course it didn't help that Thanksgiving was WAY early this year on the 22nd. I had the realization that it was fast approaching on the 8th. In a panic, in the midst of launching Nike+ Kinect Training and not wanting to plan or cook, I did what any sane mama would do - I turned to technology. I texted Mardel - want to spend a third Thanksgiving in a row with the Lowes? - and Katie - can you and Michael come and play? - and then logged onto and ordered prime rib for all and plenty of fixins. Within 30 minutes food was ordered, my gals confirmed and VOILA I was done. Technology, you got brownie points that day.
Thanksgiving was a blast, although we barely touched the Whole Feast as Mardel and Katie went big on the appetizers. Matteo wasn't into baked brie and dates stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon, so he instead entertained us before dinner by showing his new tricks - climbing onto the coffee table and standing triumphantly (more grey hairs for me!) and attaching his alligator pull toy onto his trike and very slowly navigating the living room - while Lily alternated between playing with baby rats with Leah (class pets they were ratsitting) and seeing who could hula hoop longer with Carter (she amazingly won despite hula hooping at least 3x faster than he was - how she maintains that energy is beyond me). During dinner, Matteo sat at the big people table and showed us what I call his "high tea" method of eating: using a gentle pincer grasp while sticking out his pinkie and ring fingers. It's very dainty and surprising coming from the boy who lives to smash block towers and see what noises he can make by banging things.
The next day marked the official start of the Christmas season...a full week before December 1st. Lily was beside herself with excitement and asked at least 375 times if we could get our tree yet (we'd promised her a tree farm this year). It was pouring rain so instead I took her to see Rise of the Guardians (thumbs up) and in the evening we went to see Santa, postponing the tree till Saturday. If you've read my past December posts, you'll know the history of Lily and the Man in Red:
- Infant Lily: Looked startled, but otherwise ok
- 1-year-old Lily: Looked uncomfortable, no smile, otherwise ok
- 2-year-old Lily: Screaming bloody murder, couldn't get away fast enough
- 3-year-old Lily: Agreed to a picture on Daddy's lap, Santa adjacent
- 4-year-old Lily: Called out her order to Santa from 3 feet away
- 5-year-old Lily: Santa held Matteo (handled like a trooper), Lily sat on Mama's lap, Santa adjacent
So really, I had no expectation that she would go near him. But here's the thing...Lily LOVES Santa. We see the same bearded, elderly gentleman every year and Lily believes he is the real deal and all other mall/Swansons/Space Needle Santas are mere proxies. She is always very excited to see him, but once in his presence she totally freaks out, despite him being all you'd hope for in a bearded, elderly mall Santa. Well, this year she very seriously sat down and drew pictures of everything she wanted to ask for and had me label it, then she picked out a homemade salt dough ornament for him, and finally put on her holiday finery. We got to the mall and shockingly there was no line....more shocking, though, was seeing Lily march right up to him, present her ornament and show him her list. The topper? She then CLIMBED INTO HIS LAP for a deeper discussion on said list. For real. Matteo? Well, he was less that enthusiastic, but kept it together for one good shot.
So there you go - Santa success on Friday, we hit a tree farm on Saturday and Sunday Chris got all the lights up. I'd say the Lowes are off to a great start....fingers crossed we can maintain it through the new year!
Quotes and conversations of the month:
- Lily: What's Black Friday? Me: It's the day after Thanksgiving when everything goes on sale. Lily: Like clothes and high heels?
- Lily: What is Chuck E Cheese? Me: A pizza place. Lily: Is their pizza good to eat? Me: Not really. People go there because they have games for kids Lily: Why do they have games? Me: To make money. Lily: Well that's rude!
- During a DeBeers commercial Lily asked: Why don't you have a ring like that? To which I answered: Because when we got married we didn't have any money. Lily then asked: How much monies does it cost? Me: Thousands. Lily: Well that's a waste of money!
- Lily: You didn't give me my gummies (vitamins). Me: Yes, I did, you ate them. Lily: No I didn't. Me: Yes, you did and I am not giving you any more. Lily: Well then I will not be healthy!
- Lily on Paco, who admittedly click-clacks a lot on our floors: Paco woke me up. I want to get him mittens.
- At the coffee shop: I would like a hot chocolate and a DumDum. Me: no, it's too early for candy. Lily: ok, just a DumDum
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