The school year begins...
In the grand scheme of things 2nd grade is still very young....yet somehow Lily now seems more like a "big kid" than a little girl. Maybe it's that her sense of humor is developing more, that she has friend drama I didn't expect this young, or that she is increasingly independent. It certainly didn't help that she took down her ballerina canopy as she perceived it as being too young for her (sniff). Whatever the reason, she's a big 2nd grader now and there's no going back....she even has this nifty pic taken by my lovely neighbor to prove it! Before you go thinking she's totally pre-teen, stop and notice the mechanical bird. Yeah, not so grownup she would entertain the thought of leaving her battery-operated friend behind on the first day.
Matteo, conversely, is in nooooo hurry to grow up - and frankly that's just fine with me. He now inexplicably says "nah-nah-boo-boo!" at everything, he still loves to cuddle, insists on getting out of bed for good night hug after good night hug ("I NEED HUUUUUUGS!") and is an all-around lovey-cuddle-bug-who-loves-to-wallow-in-dirt. Kindergarten is still two years out for him and I know that will likely be one of the most bittersweet days of my parenting career.
Speaking of Matteo, the oddest thing happened this month. I hadn't gone in the backyard since Paco died and the dog door was sealed up. I went back there with Matteo and he looked around and asked with all seriousness where Paco was. I think he thought Paco was in the yard this whole time, unable to come in without his door. I again explained Paco was in doggie heaven, but since then Matteo has been telling people Bob is his dog, but Paco ran away and/
or we lost him. It's both heartbreaking and fascinating how such a complex topic as death is understood and rationalized by a small child.
Now that things have gotten sad, how about some words and pictures that aren't?
A boy and his donut. Need I say more? |
He's so good for her self esteem - they truly love each other. |
Myk was here this month - with Emmerson! You can't tell, but Emmers had a great time. Miss them terribly. |
Hold over from Whidbey - but likely the only good brother-sister shot I will trick them into this year. |
This super neat position is what Matteo now assumes anytime something doesn't go his way. It comes complete with wails. It's called "child's pose" in yoga for a reason! |
Me: Lily, you need to find a way to play together
Matteo: Yeah, you're my sister!
Matteo, at pick-up time: I am FILTHY!
(thanks to Indian summer, the sunscreen/dirt layer lasted the whole month - my tub has a permanent ring as a result)
Lily, reading to me: Kama gave Auntie Emma the lei. Auntie Emma gave him a hug.
Lily, looking at me incredulously: Well that's not worth it!
(See what I mean about her suddenly sounding like a big kid?!)
That wraps up September - looking forward to seeing what October brings (and please let it be fall weather...)!
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