11 Months!
Is it possible Lily is almost a year old?? She's now is developmental hyper drive and of course there is lots to share…
- Cooing. She started making the sweetest sounds you've ever heard. In addition to the Baa-baa-baa, maa-maaa-maa, etc she is making these oooOOOhhhhh and aaaAAAhhhh noises that would melt even the hardest of hearts
- Ta-DAAAA! Whenever she gets something new that she is REALLY excited about…for example an empty Talking Rain bottle with a penny in it...she will hold it over head in triumph. You'd think she was wielding Excalibur she looks so pleased
- Gliding. Lils is quite the crawler and now incorporates aids. She will take the lid of her toy basket, a box of wipes, a magazine…anything that will glide...and will put it under her front hand while she crawls around. I'm not sure if it's just the gliding sensation, if it gives her more speed or what, but it sure is cute
- Don't go! This is a heartbreaking, sad new development - separation anxiety. It just started when I drop her off in the morning and it is a milestone I would have happily skipped
- Cruising! While we were in France Lily started furniture cruising, walking along the bed, bench, whatever she could pull herself up on and use as a guide
- Walking! Last weekend she started pushing a toy she was standing against so I brought up the Pooh push-walker thingy. I stood her behind it and just like that she took off! She doesn't really bend her knees yet, can only go in a straight line, and she kinda starts to do the splits…but she is definitely walking!! It's hilarious and cute all at the same time
- Boogying. One night in France Katie and I ordered up Dream Girls. Every time a song came on we'd dance around Lily and she started rockin' out, too. She's doing it more and more whenever she hears any music - she's gonna be a rocker for sure
- Self-Feeding. She's mastered holding her own bottle, the sippy cup and tiny snacks
- No containment! With the advent of walking she will NOT be contained. We've put up all sorts of gates to create "Lily Zones" around the house so she can be free-range as much as possible. The child doesn't even want to go in her car seat, making life extra interesting
Next up - we need to figure out how to imbed video in the blog so people can see her cuteness in action!
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