A tardy Merry Christmas to all! It didn't have the most auspicious start when our tire blew out on Christmas Eve (on the
freeway with Lily, Chris and my sis in the car), but wound up being one of my favorite ones to date. It snowed most of the day so not only was it a rare, beautiful, white Christmas, but it was just one of those perfect days you wish all holidays could be. Mary didn't have any babies to deliver and spent the whole day with us, Lisa was here, and we got the "we're bored!" call from Tom and Katie early so got to spend extra time with them as well. There was tons of yummy food, gifts and laughs all around, and most importantly Lily was surrounded by people who adore her. At dinner we toasted to the "kids Christmas" till we realized that Chris and I are now parents. Fortunately Lily let us stay at her table.
The first New Years we spent in this house we ordered Judy Fu's Snappy Dragon, which is now our tradition. Our freshly adopted tradition is to make our predictions for 2008 (no telling what they are!) and sealing them up till the next New Year's Eve....when we'll see what came true and make ours for the next year. As Lily grows it will interesting to see what she comes up with!
Speaking of Lily...WOW is she a readhead! She's definitely developed a monumental will that is not to be trifled with....but thankfully it's tempered with so much sweetness. She now waddles up to us with her arms outstretched, wanting to be picked up. She loves to explore, but always wants to share her discoveries with us. Books have become a favorite, and she'll happily crawl into your lap and flip the pages for 20 minutes at a time (that equals hours in toddler time). Not too much interest in the story...or even if the book is right-side up...but we figure these small details will come in time. There are times when she is such a Chatty Kathy with her babbling that I swear she is explaining something VERY complex and important. Can't wait to see what changes 2008 brings!
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