How is it May already???
Have you ever gotten soooo behind on something that catching up seemed impossible, which then led you to taking even longer? Yeah, that's about where I am with blog updates - which is criminal when I think about how quickly Lily is changing. Guillaume said it best when he saw her a few weekends ago: "Wow - she really is a different kid every time I see her."
Where to start?? When we last left off, Lily had returned from Hawaii in love with the island lifestyle and yearned to return. Well, that hasn't changed much. When I have to travel for work, she asks if my plane is going to Hawaii and frequently makes links to our island paradise, saying "Like in HAWAII??" So needless to say Hawaii will likely become a new annual tradition.
While I haven't been great about posting updates, I have written funny things she says on a piece of paper - she is so incredibly precious it breaks my heart I can't remember all her Lily-isms. I have managed to save a few from the past few months, though, that I'd love to share...
"Mama, my tummy says 'Yes! I need some Cheerios!'"
"Absolutely, Mommy!" and "Yeah, really annoying!" - her emphatic agreement statements that are a clear parroting of me.
"Hey! That's potty talk!" - her response when she was impatient and I said "keep your pants on, crazy lady."
"Not yet" - said while rolling over and burrowing into the blankets when asked if she was ready to start her day.
"Keep me safe!!!" - when anything remotely scary happens on TV, she will scoot in close and wrap my arm around her, resulting in cuddling the duration of the show/movie - it's awesome.
"I said YES!" - the rejoinder anytime I say no. Unfortunately this elicits giggles from the majority of bystanders, family member and really anyone in earshot...meaning it'll likely be in use for a looooong time to come.
"It's my favorite" and "because it's not my favorite" often explains her choices and decisions. If I dare suggest an inferior outfit she will declare "NO! It's not my favorite!" and conversely she will try to justify getting anything from gum to a toy to a swing already occupied by another child because "it's my favorite!"
"But it's not in the laundry" - her very clever response when I said she couldn't wear dirty clothes. At the time she said this, the prefered dress wasn't in fact in the laundry - it had been removed from the basket and placed on the ergo it WASN'T in the laundry and could be worn, right?
"Hm. It's a Wolf" - her determination after we saw a Husky tire cover on the back of a jeep. Lily asked if it was a wolf and I explained it was a husky...which led to a discussion on what a mascot is...which led to a discussion of what a university is, etc etc. After our lengthy talk she determined I was crazy and yes, it was a wolf.
I love how verbal she has become and it's led to so many funny, quirky conversations. Her imagination has gone into overtime, so there really is no telling what tangent she will go o
ff on. Typically they involve butterflies, princesses, dancing, animals....the usual passions of a very girly 3-year-old. They also involve lots of s's....peoples, feets, mines, etc. I never correct her incorrect pluralization because it is adorable beyond words and I will sadly miss the extra s's when they are gone. I have a feeling they will be leaving sooner that I'd like, though, as she is very excited about being a big girl. She reminds me that she is one every chance she gets and prefers everything "big" - whether it is requesting a "big plate" or asking me if she is "bigger today" and when will she be big enough for pointe shoes? That last one always gets the answer "when your feet are as big as mama's." I'll admit I am secretly hoping she stops growing when she hits a size 7 in shoes so I never have to see her lovely little toes tortured on pointe.
As she's gotten older, Lily has also developed a profound sense of right and wrong. For better or worse, she's the defender of her classroom and the first one to back up her teachers that YES it is time to remove coats. She's also very quick to point out that everything must be shared. For example, if I ask for my phone back when she's playing with it, she's quick to inform me "Hey! We share!" and if I have the nerve to take it before she's done I am told "You're not sharing!!" Although strangely enough if it rings, she'll run right over so I can answer it. Unless an actual conversation is happening, though, it must be "shared."
Lily has also fallen in love with all things cozy. She adores my bathrobe, the couch throw, anything she can snuggle into and dramatically declare "Mmmmmmmm....COZY!" I think it is her way of dealing with the perpetually cold Northwest.
And last but not least....WAVING. Our girl has become the friendliest creature on the planet. Walking down the street and driving in the car she's taken to waving at passers-by, fellow
motorists, etc. Most people who notice of course wave back, but when they don't she says "I think they are not seeing me" which is both cute and sad. In her mind everyone should be so friendly and you know what? I think she's right.
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