The fog thins...
- Matteo has fully entered the "hand phase"and is now chewing on his paws with abandon. He really loves his little mitts and I can't say I blame him - they are awfully cute and as Quin pointed out on our recent trip to San Diego "his entire thumb is the same size as one of my thumb nails." Not to be outdone, Lily has equally devoted herself to the eating mint. There are all sorts of edible plants at her school including a rather large mint bush by the back door. Every day that I pick her up, she has to stop and grab a few leaves to much on the way home. My girl is very fresh indeed
- In these tired times I have admittedly relied on the iPad to see me through the tougher days. The upside is that it has allowed me to use the bathroom regularly. The downside is that Lily has figured it out a little too well. The other day she was asking me how to spell "Horsie" - turned out she was punching the word into the app store to find a down loadable horse game. Points for cleverness, but oh-my am I ready for such consumerist feats
- In addition to a love of his hands, Matteo has also become a VERY prolific spit-bubbler. My friend Jessica told me that spit bubbles are the sign of a well-hydrated baby. If that is the case, my boy is the camel of the baby world
- Apparently Matteo feel he gets no respect. How do I know this, you ask? I can tell by the way he channels Rodney Dangerfield, wrinkling his forehead, jutting out his chin, and moving it in a slow, exaggerated circle. It absurdly cute and ridiculously old-man at the same time
- We were lucky enough to have a visit from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill in August. As usual, Nancy picked out the perfect kid's books for both, including a book about being a big sister. While reading it, Lily asked why the girl was making a stinky face and I explained that she doesn't yet like being a big sister. Sweet Lily gave me a questioning look and said "but I do!" What could I do but hug her?
- And speaking of being a great big sister, Matteo has shown us his laugh. Well, more specifically, he laughed for Lily when she batted the bugs on his mobile and has since cracked up for her every time she entertains him. Chris and I tried to replicate, but it was all for her...he already adores his big sister and and I couldn't be happier that they are already forging what I hope will be a lifelong bond
- While Matteo is without question a unique boy, it is fun seeing his development mirror Lily's...sprouting eyelashes out of nowhere at 6 weeks, discovering (and falling in love with) his feet at 10 weeks, grabbing rings one day shy of 12 weeks, and now cooing "ohhhhh ohhhhh" sounds just like she did. Despite an on/off witching hour, he's a VERY mellow, easy baby - just
like Lily was - who says lightening doesn't strike twice?
- The one time Matteo isn't a bowl of sugar? At feeding time...when he flips me off. No kidding - the kid habitually gives me the bird when he eats. Don't believe me? Check out the picture. At least the frown lines he was born with are now gone so it's more of a good-natured flipping
- But the flip off is worth it when I get the flirty smiles in exchange. I love to rub a finger down his return he will lean his head to the side, wrinkle his nose and give you the flirtiest smile and coo you've ever witnessed. It takes my breath away it's so genuine and sweet
- And of course no post would be complete without the funny things Lily has said of late. She is very big on huge exclamations, OMG (not my favorite), and using voices. When there was a problem with our seats on our way to San Diego she said in a quivering voice worthy of any tear-jerker movie "I'm going to miss seeing my Papa"...when we made the flight and were circling the airport it was a huge gasp followed by the bold declaration "San Diego is the most beautiful city in the world!!!" and when we heard a Dos Equis ad on the radio? "That sounds like my Papa!" (my dad is Colombian...if you've ever met him you'd see/hear the humor) and while driving around she shows off her newly acquired Spanish, pointing at cars and saying "Mama! Mira - azul/amarillo/rojo!"
Stay tuned for more month left of my leave so hopefully there will be a few worth mentioning!
Stay tuned for more month left of my leave so hopefully there will be a few worth mentioning!
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