Our Favorite Fairy is Four!
- She's started to recognize time, but so far only years, which can make things a tad confusing as everything come down to "last year" - whether it actually happened last year, last month, or 5 minutes ago. But hey, it's a start, right?
- Along with her new sense of time is one of ownership. She now loves to point things out when we drive around, like "My cookie store!" and "My park!" But really, what kid wouldn't love to claim a playground and bakery for their very own?
- To our delight her creativity only continues to grow. Lately it's manifested with re-naming things. Every Friday that she has had a good week we go to ice cream and get a movie, more often than not a Barbie movie (the things you do for your kids...). When watching the 12 Dancing Princesses she declared their new names to be Mac-n-Cheese, Turkey, Poo Poo Puff, Tooky Tooky Tuk and Coo Coo Poo. Yeah, the scatological humor is also in full swing, with "poop" getting added to most things...Mommy-poo, Paco-poo, etc.
- In addition to creativity, she also loves to memorize songs, stories, etc. so she can join in and declare "I know ALL the words!" Of course some of the words are extended mumbles, but those in particular are so darn cute we don't dare correct her.
- As mentioned, we are working had to instill a sense of compassion and empathy in Lily. Despite this, she can't help but show her materialistic side. It all started about a month before her birthday when she started pointing to every advertisement, catalog, etc saying "can I get this for my birthday?" and hasn't abated since. She's caught on that Christmas is next, but that has in no way slowed her wish list which covers everything from Leggos to sport scars.
- Mary, Mary Quite Contrary is what I call her at least once a day. True to her redheadedness (is that a word?) she has discovered the joy of contradicting. It ranges from telling me the sunset is in fact ugly to correcting me that she doesn't actually like skirts that spin to saying things like "Who's Daddy?" to which I say "You know Daddy" which elicits "no I don't." Perhaps she is priming me early for the joy of teenage years to come??
- I'm already questioning Lily's ability to live in Seattle long-term. At this tender young age she is questioning the amount of sun she is able to get. Most mornings she asks where the sun is, in the evening she asks where the sun is going, when the clouds break she declares the sun is coming out. Clearly the child loves the sun, insurance we'll always be an outdoor family.
- The other morning Sammy, who likes to be covered when he sleeps, walked from our room into the living room under his blanket. His yelled "incoming!" and I saw a red plaid bump moving towards Lily....who completely lost it. When I went to show her it wasn't a plaid ghost but Sammy, she looked at me and said "Mama! He totally freaked me out!"
- And finally, there are some conversational gems definitely worth sharing...
Me: Do you know how much I love you?
Lily: Yes
Me: How much?
Lily:40 pounds!
Me: Lily, I have the Angelina song stuck in my head
Lily (pressing her ear to my forehead): I can't hear it!
Me: Lily, you're amazing!
Lily: Thank you!
Lily: Thank you!
That last one pretty much sums it all up.
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