Hilarity ensues....
I may not be the best about writing up posts in a timely manner, but I have become quite good
A few of the wonderful conversations we've had recently...
Lily: Why is there a picture of a cow? (pointing to a milk carton)
Me: Why do you think there is?
Lily: Because they say moo?
Me: Because milk comes from cows
Lily: From their bums?
Me: No, their udders. I woudn't want to drink anything from a cow's bum.
Lily: Me, either. It would be too stinky!
Me: Lily, I need to wash those blueberries
Lily: Why?
Me: So they're not dirty
Lily: Because they came from a cow's bum?
(I have NO IDEA where the obsession with cow booty came from)
Lily: (playing with my iPad) I have to send an email
Me: But it's time for bed
Lily: After my work!!!
I have no idea why...when she has nothing to say she finds this an excellent space filler
Lily: Mama, is the sun shining?
Me: Well, it's up, but it's hiding behing some clouds
Lily: But whhhhyyyyy?
Me: Because we live in Seattle
Lily: I think Seattle is a little kinda icky
Me: (saying bedtime prayers) Lily, do you want to say thank you for anything?
Lily: Thank you for Hello Kitty and Angel and milk and Soren and PULL-UPS!
Lily: (opening the bathroom door) Mommy, look! It's a tiny baby poop!
Me: Sure is - you all done?
Lily: Yeah - the mama poop is sleeping in my bum
Lily: (7am on a Saturday) Mommy, can I eat a fruit snack in your bed?
Me: Sure, if you go get it
(Lily runs back carrying two bags)
Lily: Mommy - I have TWO mixed berry - one for you and one for me!
(Me: wells up)
Lily: (peering into the shower at 6:30 in the morning) Mommy - I can get my bath dolphins for you
Me: (half asleep, trying to shower) Oh, that's ok, but thank you sweetie pie
Lily: But they're reaaaaallly cool
Me: (getting out of car on a windy day) Hold my hand, kiddo - I don't want you to blow away!
Lily: Let's get Daddy a balloon!
Me: Sure! How about this one?
Lily: Um....THIS ONE!Me: A butterfly?
Lily: Yes, butterflies are Daddy's favorite (and coincidentally Lily's)
Me: Lily, you are getting so big!
Lily: But that is ok, right?
Me: Absolutely, but I'll be sad when you're all grown up
Lily: Don't be sad - I will bring you a snow globe
(side note: I bring Lily a snow globe every time I travel for work)
Me: Lily, stay away from Malcolm's yard, he bites
Lily: Bad dogs are not fun!
Me: (well past bedtime) Why are you in our room?
Lily: I hurt myself (pointing to a tiny bruise)
Me: So you can't sleep in your room?
Lily: Maybe my mommy's bed will make my owie feel better
Lily: What are those flowers?
Chris: They're lillies
Lily: Like me?
Chris: Well, you are named after a beautiful flower
Lily: (in serious, matter-of-fact voice) Thanks, Dad
And of course there are the one-word priceless moments:
"MUWAHAHA!!!" - the cartoon villain sound she made while trapping poor Paco in her room
"Mustache!" - her declaration after drinking milk from a big-girl, non sippy cup
And the priceless moments that have no words at all....like when I went to check on her during
nap and found her using the pillowcase as a wee sleeping bag...or her passion for indoor fort making...or when I realized she could peek out the windows standing on her toes when just last year it required a stool, or the way she flips her hand down when she says "not like that!" and all the other funny, exagerated hand movements she makes...and the way she loooooves to watch herself on TV....
Yeah, we love this little person.
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