November - Sunshine & Chill
Turkey trotters! |
for Thanksgiving - our first major holiday all together!
This month also highlighted the good and the bad of growing up. Lily was suspended for a half day on Halloween for fighting, meaning she missed the class party and had to endure a long talk with me and the school principal on self control, going to a grownup for help, and how to write an effective apology letter (the "not-really-sorry" sorry doesn't fly in the Lowe house). I was sure that having such a big dust-up would mean delightful behavior for at least a month after. Turns out I was wrong, at least when it comes to homework. The nightly math-spelling-reading assignments have never been a joyous time, but this month they'd become particularly trying. At my wit's end, I asked Lily to go to her room until she could change her attitude, and when she was ready she could come back out and we would finish. STOMP-STOMP-STOMP...door firmly shut....and minutes later a note slid under it into the hallway, written on the back of a "Certificate for Expressing Your Feelings" (irony lost on a 2nd grader) that read "your the one how has the crapee atud". Well, if you're going to be a smart ass in the Lowe house, you should at least be smart about it. So, out she came for an impromptu lesson in spelling and grammar and YES, she corrected that note. By the time we'd gone over the proper way to spell "attitude" we were both laughing so hard I don't think anything was learned...but I do know it will likely be a while until I receive any more vitriolic missives (aside from the "pay me $1 to tock" note....which again ended in so much laughter she forgot to be the curative power of giggles).
There were lots of good things, too - Lily continues to embrace her love of all things particular the joys of cause and effect. For example, what exactly happens when you mix peanut butter and sprinkles? And then throw in some other randomness? Her love affair with Lego Friends also continued. All the Lego Friends haters be damned - I LOVE that she loves them. It's supposedly "anti-girl" to support her love of "made for girl" things, but she's never had more than a middling interest in regular Legos. Lego Friends, though, both inspire and engage her, getting her to build and re-build for hours. And in other good news, she'd back to riding the bus and (huge bonus) gets off with a smile on her face, ready to go. I didn't go into the bus issues in depth the last few months as who wants to dwell on the bad, but I will celebrate that we're back to the norm now.
Pre-Thanksgiving at Trader Joes |
- All month long he's been a song-bird....with Jingle Bells being is favorite starting around November 3rd...and has insisted I play "Santa Songs" every time we are in the car. I wasn't even aware he knew Christmas carols, much less would insist on them a month early
- He's very into his stuff and carrying things with him, usually brining at least one toy in the car. He topped himself, though, when he decided he couldn't go anywhere without a Hot Wheel, hammer, Lego (just one piece) and a train with him everywhere he went for a whole day. Perhaps he's the next McGyver?
- He mastered the art of holding his sleeves while putting on his jacket. Not a quirk, but very cute
- Always independent, he insists "No, I do it myself!" when I try to help him get dressed/ I dutifully back off, watch him writhe around a bit, then jump in again when he asks "Will you help me?" which is then followed by "There! That's how you do it!"
- Running in small circles continues to be a source of amusement. I get dizzy just watching him. When asked what he's doing, the response is "Making the house spin!"
- Llama Llama Mad At Mama is a favorite book, but has totally backfired on me as Matteo now loooooves to push the small carts and "shop WITH Mama" at Trader Joes. It really only works if the store is slow, but even then there is a high probably I will leave with a limp and Matteo laughing maniacally
- Rubber gloves. Oh, yes, the rubber gloves. At his daycare they had a "doctor theme week" during which (and since) he's come home with rubber gloves almost daily. He LOVES them. It's a little disturbing
- Puzzles - a new fave (kiddo loves to figure things out) and shirt with capes - an ongoing and near-daily look. And speaking of figuring things out, he's taken creation to a new level. Rather than having Daddy make things that he disassembles, he's created a huge truck with wings and a "ty fighter" all by himself w duplos - things we've never created for him, purely from his creative mind
- Declaring his love for things. He'll ask what something is. I'll tell him. He'll declare "I LOOOOVE (insert random thing)"
SAM with Auntie Lisa |
they came up, Lily and I once again helped set up the Our Redeemer's community outreach Thanksgiving meal (love having a compassionate kid!) followed by the Turkey Trot on Thursday morning. We brought Bob with us and while we didn't make it the whole way, we had fun seeing all the Turkey hats and being part of such a vibrant community event. After going home and cleaning up, I picked up Lisa, Dana, Quincy and Nolan at the airport and our feast at Whole Foods. We spent the rest of the day eating, laughing, hanging out, eating more, and watching Christmas movies. Friday we hit SAM for the Pop Art show and had lunch at the market before more movies and hanging. Friday night it snowed so Saturday Nolan was treated to his very first snow encounter, followed by a group outing at PoDog before they had to head home. Poor Lily was in tears when the time came to say goodbye. She loves her cousins so much and was heartbroken to see them go.
So as not to end on a sad note, here are a few of the sweet and funny things they said this month...
Matteo: tickle tickle
Me: tickle tickle
Matteo: No! I don't want to be tickled!
Me: What if I don't want to be tickled, either?
Matteo: tickle tickle
Matteo: Who was that?
Me: Lily
Matteo: I love Lily!
Me: I love Lily, too!
Matteo: I want to buy her for Christmas!
Me: Want to watch Jack Frost?
Lily: What's it about?
Me: (starting to read the description)
Lily: If it says love in it I'm OUT!
Matteo: I looove jumbo sh*ts! Jumbo sh*ts are soooo big and go UP in the sky! I want ride a jumbo sh*t!
(he's really says "jumbo jets" but his lisp makes it sound quite different and more entertaining)
Me: I love you sweet girl
Lily: I love you the most!
Me: Not possible!!
No sweet girl, it's really not!
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