Last month of leave...
While I've come to terms with the fact that I have to go back to work (pesky mortgage!), to say I am less than thrilled about it would be a grand understatement. I will readily admit that I am luckier than most: I have a career I enjoy, a boss I adore, am paid well...but all of that pales in comparison to being there for my kids when they need me. What I have loved about my leave is that I am 100% there for Matteo all day, every day...but when Lily comes home from school I can fully dedicate myself to her while Chris bonds with the little man, and on weekends we alternate kids and activities as a family. What worries me is how to give each child 1:1 time when there will suddenly be so little of it. I am struggling with the time-crunch will distract myself by thinking about the great things that have happened this month...
- Ever our entertainer, Lily has taken to telling jokes. The problem is that she has yet to figure out the importance of a punchline, which results in many jokes that go something like this "You wanna hear a joke? A RABBIT walks down the STREET and SNIFFS (giggle, giggle)...Is that funny?" Naturally I agree...I can be an entertainer, too
- Lily turns 5 next month, which suddenly seems incredibly grown-up, especially now that she's in her "big kid" school program (the picture was taken on her first day!). When I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday party she said that she would like a Super Man party, which frankly surprised me. When I asked her why, she stated "because Jack doesn't like fairies and princesses." Jack is the little boy down the street Lily has a bit of a crush on...I explained that she should have the birthday SHE wants to have and Jack would come even if there were fairies involved. She was pretty dubious, so superheros it will be....but the supergirl invite is pink
- Matteo suddenly seems grown-up as well...when I hold him up he has started to press his legs down to stand. He has also upped the spit bubble ante and is now a very proficient raspberry blower. He loves the things and will blow hundreds over the course of the day (this maaaaay be encouraged by my responding in kind). These developments, along with much-improved head control, has taken him out of the newborn phase and squarely into the baby phase. Why is it going so much faster the second time around??
- Remember what a CHAMPION sleeper Lily was as a baby? Well Matteo slept from 11:45 to 6:30 on the 16th!!! Alas, it was a big 'ol psyche and we're back to waking up every night around 3am...but he showed us there is hope!
- Like Lily did at the same age, he is starting to roll over. While normally I would applaud this important milestone, instead it makes me a tad sad as once he gets over, he's stuck facedown, flailing and crying. It's like he's a sea mammal who has beached himself. Poor kiddo
- But not all of his developments are sad...he also does tons of cute things, like holding your fingers while eating, making little "meh meh meh" sounds as a warning he's getting upset (unlike Lily he is not binky obsessed so we're able to catch his moods before tears begin), jutting out his lower lip when displeased (as heartbreaking as it is cute - I wish I had a picture of it, but I can't bear to grab a camera when he does it), and holding his own feet every time he's on the changing table
- And so this post isn't too Matteo-centric, here are a few gems from Miss Lily this month..
Lily: No, that's just you wobbling him
Lily: What are you doing?
Me: (Packing my pump into my bag) Going into work for a few hours to catch up with everyone
Lily: (looking horrified) Don't bring your pump! Everyone will see you!!
Me: I love it when the leaves change colors - they look like they are on fire
Lily: That's not fire, you silly, they're leaves! I like the trees when they are naked - I will point at them and laugh
Me: But their feelings might get hurt
Lily: No they won't - they don't have any faces!!
Yep - with 5 comes great wisdom...
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