What I'm Thankful For...
This Thanksgiving I am most grateful for our daughter Lily. Being her mom is by far the greatest joy of my life and even though she's only 6 weeks old, I can't imagine life without her. A few things I'd like to say thanks for...
- The little noises she makes...squeaks, hiccups, whines, sighs, grunts, mmmms, purrs
- How she gives advance notice of an impending cry with three quick, hard breaths
- The way she moves her head in a complete circle when she yawns
- The cowlicks that make her hair stand up in a little faux-hawk
- Her tiny fists holding my fingers...I know it's a reflex, but in my heart we're holding hands
- How she is growing and developing the sweetest little belly and pudgy legs
- Her bright, beautiful eyes that go from blue to gray to brown
- How those eyes are now tracking, focus on the ceiling light, her mobile, and today locked onto her bottle, seeming to know food was on the way
- The start of her smile, especially when her daddy gave her a bath this morning
- How on her 6-week birthday she slept through the night and has been doing so almost every night since
- How she shakes her head when grabbing her binky and then how cute it is when she's working said binky
- How she sometimes looks at us as if asking "Are you serious?"
- The way her arms fly straight up the minute she is un-swaddled
- How her forehead wrinkles and she looks quite concerned when I lean her forward to burp her
- How she either purses her lips or juts out her lower lip and dramatically turns her head to the side on the rare occassions she doesn't want her binky
I am sure there are a dozen more things I am forgetting, but I am sure you get the idea. I don't know what we did to deserve such a blessing, but I am eternally grateful I get to be Lily's mom.