One of the things I love most about our 'hood is that it still retains links to old Seattle. While many other industries have fled Seattle for cheap overseas labor only to be replaced by software engineers and bioengineering outfits Ballard is still largely dominated by the maritime industry. You can walk along the shores of Ballard and see the boats from Deadliest Catch, go past a maritime school, and watch the boats come and go depending on the fishing seasons. To celebrate this Ballard hosts a Seafood Festival every summer and Julie, Lily and I decided to partake. Beyond the usual arts and crafts booths the Seafood Fest is a great opportunity to buy seafood direct from the people who catch it and at prices well below what any supermarket can offer. We brought home a fantastic whole salmon for a whopping $2.00 a pound. That's less than Wal-Mart and this fish is caught wild in the Baring Sea by Seattle fisherman rather than that Peruvian farmed, hormone and dye injected crap that swims in it's own feces that you get at Wal-Mart and other big grocery stores. As Rico would say: "FIIIIIIIISSSHHH!!!!"