When I first moved up here my friend Nina told me that Fall was her favorite season. While I never counted it my favorite, I've always been in awe of the changing trees. This year may have converted me as not only was October SPECTACULAR with tons of sun and amazing color, but we were able to appreciate just how magical Seattle is when you have a little one.
First up: the
Woodland Park Zoo Pumpkin Prowl with Mardel and her brood last weekend. Having been to the Bunny Bounce last year, we honestly weren't expecting too much, but man were we wrong. The trick-or-treat loop was FANTASTIC, filled with hundreds of pumpkins, all wonderfully done like the snake above. There were lots of booths for the kids, live entertainment, a haunted house in the Zoomazium and tons of free food (candy apples, Top Pot donuts, etc). Lily loved it and I am sure it will now be a Lowe Family Tradition. After we went to Zekes for pizza - quite the night for Lils.
Next up:
Remlinger Farms for their annual October festival. We were expecting a big pumpkin patch and not much else....boy were we wrong! There was a petting zoo with lots of sheep, goats and crazy looking chickens, a train ride, cars to drive (Lily is getting into that one in this pic), a hay bounce, etc etc. Basically was a little Fall amusement park, surrounded by breathtakingly beautiful foliage.
Last up: Halloween!!! There was a party at Lily's school in the late afternoon followed by a party at Casa Lowe. As I've mentioned, our block is like Mayberry and even has its own Google Group. We offered to host a block party for the other families with little ones and happily they all accepted. Wow do we have a lot of little ones! I didn't realize until they were all over that there are 9 - soon to be 10 - children aged 3 and under just on our block alone! 2 (soon to be 3) babies...3 toddlers...2 2-year-olds...and 2 3-year-olds. The kids all got along great and the parents are all fun, interesting people. We really scored. Of course the highlight for me was Chris in his Man In The Yellow Hat costume. Seriously the most ridiculous outfit EVER...loose in some places, tight in others, made of unbreathable nylon and styrofoam...I laughed everytime I saw him. But how great a dad is he to wear it for his Curious George obssessed little girl??