2 weeks here, 2 weeks in Bulgaria
August kicked off with a week of Mama-Kiddo Fun. Matteo's school was closed the last week of July/first week of August so I took vacation time, pulled Lily out of her summer program and took the kiddos everywhere. And by everywhere I mean:
Mounger Pool
Children's Museum
Golden Gardens
Remlinger Farms
The car (Matteo can sit in the driver's seat for an hour, easily - unfortunately for me he prefers I am a captive passenger and that I refrain from reading a magazine as he "drives")
The weather was great for all of it except Remlinger, which was rain soaked...but all things considered, that's better than too hot, right? Katie was an angel and went with us, which meant Lily and Matteo each had a companion for the rides. And to top all this off, there was a meatloaf contest one night on our block, complete with a fruit sculpture contest for the kids (Lily won 2nd place with a grape-and-toothpick playground set). A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a few thousand for you:
Kate got to see both kids and they got to see their Great-Grandma.
As soon as we got back, I unpacked the family and re-packed myself for two weeks in Bulgaria for work. Sadly there isn't much I can write about the trip as I was filming pretty much the entire time and until it premieres in late October I can't show any stills. Lame. I can say that the studio, Nu Boyana, is also where the latest Expendables film is shooting and that I had not a single star sighting. I can also say there are a heartbreaking number of strays, that I found a litter of tiny puppies, and found fellow dog lovers to find them homes. I can write that Bulgarians are overly fond of tomatoes and cheese, often wear oddly nonsensical shirts, Zagorka (the national beer) is delicious, Corny Big is not only a hilarious name but a delicious treat, that I had to use way too may outhouses, and my shoot locales included a UN building, a mountain top, a mine shaft, the woods, a gladiator arena and sound stage. I can also report that I was thrilled to come home. Another four thousand words for you here:
And finally, the quotes:
Chris: Hmmmm...there are instructions in 4 languages, but none of them are English
Lily: We're doomed, I tell you! DOOOOMED!!!!
Lily, seeing Matteo's favorite train video come on for the 328th time: No!! It's horrible music! It burns...it BUUURNS
Matteo, any time we drive downhill: WHEEEEEEE!!!!
Lily: Paco's butt SMELLS
Me: I'm sure your butt smells like daisies
Lily, totally sincere: Thank you for telling me my butt it smells like daisies
And to wrap it up, a shout out to Paco - he may have a smelly rear at times, but he is genuinely the sweetest dog that ever lived. And also the saddest. Yes, thanks to a hot spot, this is him for the next two weeks.