The Latest on the Lowes

We started this blog to share the transformation of our 1926 fixer...but with time and the addition of kids it has become my way of documenting two childhoods...the triumphs, moments of hilarity, lessons learned and everything in between.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy 8 months to me!

I turned 8 months today and celebrated by saying “eeee eeee BABABABABA eeeeee” and clicking my tongue all the way to KinderCare this morning. When I got home my mommy made me dinner and I showed off how I can now do “pincer grasp” which is when I grab things between my tiny pointer finger and wee thumb. Then mommy and daddy let me do my new FAVORITE – hopping around in my Jump n’ Go!! They started calling me their little ‘Roo…whatever that means. I’m still teasing them with my almost crawling and have learned it's super fun to roll over in the middle of diaper changes – I need to keep the 'rents on their toes after all!