The school year begins...
Matteo, conversely, is in nooooo hurry to grow up - and frankly that's just fine with me. He now inexplicably says "nah-nah-boo-boo!" at everything, he still loves to cuddle, insists on getting out of bed for good night hug after good night hug ("I NEED HUUUUUUGS!") and is an all-around lovey-cuddle-bug-who-loves-to-wallow-in-dirt. Kindergarten is still two years out for him and I know that will likely be one of the most bittersweet days of my parenting career.
Speaking of Matteo, the oddest thing happened this month. I hadn't gone in the backyard since Paco died and the dog door was sealed up. I went back there with Matteo and he looked around and asked with all seriousness where Paco was. I think he thought Paco was in the yard this whole time, unable to come in without his door. I again explained Paco was in doggie heaven, but since then Matteo has been telling people Bob is his dog, but Paco ran away and/
or we lost him. It's both heartbreaking and fascinating how such a complex topic as death is understood and rationalized by a small child.
Now that things have gotten sad, how about some words and pictures that aren't?
A boy and his donut. Need I say more? |
He's so good for her self esteem - they truly love each other. |
Myk was here this month - with Emmerson! You can't tell, but Emmers had a great time. Miss them terribly. |
Hold over from Whidbey - but likely the only good brother-sister shot I will trick them into this year. |
This super neat position is what Matteo now assumes anytime something doesn't go his way. It comes complete with wails. It's called "child's pose" in yoga for a reason! |
Me: Lily, you need to find a way to play together
Matteo: Yeah, you're my sister!
Matteo, at pick-up time: I am FILTHY!
(thanks to Indian summer, the sunscreen/dirt layer lasted the whole month - my tub has a permanent ring as a result)
Lily, reading to me: Kama gave Auntie Emma the lei. Auntie Emma gave him a hug.
Lily, looking at me incredulously: Well that's not worth it!
(See what I mean about her suddenly sounding like a big kid?!)
That wraps up September - looking forward to seeing what October brings (and please let it be fall weather...)!