The Latest on the Lowes

We started this blog to share the transformation of our 1926 fixer...but with time and the addition of kids it has become my way of documenting two childhoods...the triumphs, moments of hilarity, lessons learned and everything in between.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Aloha Kauai!

This month was all about the long-awaited break from Seattle gloom, aka Spring Break in Kauai!  A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a few...with some words:


Chris, in a cave, with a sleeping Matteo, and Lily
taking a picture of his bum.  Because we're that family.

My big takeaways:
- Ask other school families what they are doing over break...there's a good chance they'll be there, too! Lily had a playdate with Kyra and it was a real treat for them both to have one on a beautiful tropical beach
- Do not take kids to Waimea Valley unless you are *very* certain they will not get car sick.  Projectile vomit 12 miles in is no fun
- Kauai is now our favorite island without question....but next time we'll stay in Hanalei, or at least in walking distance to a swimmable beach
- Don't paddle up the Wailua River on a windy day
- Embrace the poultry presence - they're cute!
- Luaus are cheesy fun no matter what island you're on
- The rum store at the Kilohana plantation should be a Day 1 stop
- Matteo needs to learn how to swim
- I will not be "vegan for Lent" on my next visit
- We have A LOT more to see and do
- Don't let Lily try your food without first clarifying she should spit it out in the trash, NOT back in the bowl, if she finds it too terrible to swallow

And what about the small people?  They were troopers.  Matteo and Lily were AWESOME flying both directions: taking naps, snacking, watching shows and being remarkably patient for their ages.  What a dramatic difference from the Disneyland trip.  Both kids had upchuck incidents (Lily post luau Jell-O binge and Matteo mid-canyon drive), but despite that they both had a great time.  In typical fashion, Lily was a fish (although while swimming behind a protective reef she declared "I like fish, you know, TO EAT, but not when they swim close to me") and spent as much time in the water as possible while Matteo reveled in sand play and general running amok.

 Other things in Hawaii....Matteo has lately been very enthusiastic about imitating frogs.  I have no idea why, but it's reached a fever pitch and typically at inopportune when I am trying to pay at the airport Starbucks with both kids, snacks, and drinks in hand.  That is when he will choose to crouch down, call out "RIBBIT!" and hop away.  Thankfully a good Samaritan behind us in line promptly scooped him up and returned him, still ribbiting, so I could pay for our stuff and skulk back to the gate.  He's such a boy - totally obsessed with cars/planes/tanks/trucks/planes/any mode of transport...but what's wonderful is that he doesn't care if it is a pastel pink truck with flowers, or a manly pea green one.  Gender identities don't matter - he likes what he likes and who cares if it's sparkly?

What $8 at the farmer's market gets you
Also in Hawaii....we saw two roosters fighting one day on our way out of the parking lot.  We pointed it out to Lily and jokingly said they were probably fighting over a chick.  Lily was not amused and countered, very seriously, "I think they should talk it out. They should go to Seconds Step*. It's all about kindness."  I've never wanted to pull the car over and hug her more.
*Second Step is a program at her school designed to teach kids how to solve problems constructively, control their emotions, etc.

Going native with Flat Emma
Lily took her own advice to heart and solved a problem this month in a very grown-up way.  For months she's been asking when she can move up to "the skirt level" in ballet and each time I've told her it is up to Miss Marie and how she is progressing.  One Tuesday she was particularly chatty and was told that if her behavior didn't improve, she wouldn't get promoted.  She came home utterly devastated.  We talked about it and she agreed she should handle it like a big girl and had me drive her back to school, where she waited for Miss Marie to finish up and then apologized and asked for a second chance at the skirt.  I was so proud of her - she acknowledged her mistake, apologized without excuses, learned from it and moved on.  Since then, rumor has it she has been a model student.

And what month would be complete without a few quotes?

Me: Do you think Matteo will be a gymnast like you are? What do you think his "thing" will be?
Lily: Hmmmm.....I know! Being Destructo-Boy!

Lily: BURP
Chris: Classy
Lily: You're classy, too!

Yeah, we're all a classy lot.