Our Little Comedienne
- When I came home last night, Lily told me she wanted to jump. She got on her little trampoline and started bouncing away, but when I started to jump too she stopped, looked at me and said "don't hurt yourself, Mommy."
- She either LOVES to take a bath or just can't be bothered. The other night when I said it was bath time she replied "maybe later."
- Procrastination has been elevated to an art form, especially at bed time. What was once done with military precision in under 10 minutes can now take up to 45. Her new thing is to shake her head and look exasperated as she dramatically declares "I can't go to bed, I can't!"
- "Aw!" has become a daily expression. If you point out a baby, a puppy, tiny insect, pretty flower - pretty much anything that could be considered within the realm of cute and/or sweet she lets loose with an "Aw!" Of course the sound she makes is generally cuter than the intended recipient of said noise.
- Orbit gum. The child is obsessed with it, and admittedly I've used it as bribe material for times when I know she needs to use the potty but doesn't want to. According to her, though, it is a necessity. "Mommy, may I have some bubble gum? Mommy, I NEED BUBBLE GUM!" "Lily, you need it, or you want it?" "Ummmm....want it....pleeeeeease." You gotta give her credit for 1) saying "may I" rather than "can I" 2) knowing the difference between need and want and 3) employing the impossible-t0-resist enlongated please.
- Remember the "no, you are" game? Lily discovered this one all on her own. She loves to point out things she finds funny and sometimes I respond with "Lily, you are silly" to which she responds "No - YOU are silly!" Works just as well for pretty much any adjective, can go back and forth up to a dozen times and is typically accompanied by giggles.
- Greetings are another favorite. She will come up to me and say "Hello, Mommy - how are YOU today?" I'll respond "I'm fine, thank you, how are you?" to which she replies "I'M LILY!" Yes, yes you are.
- Lily is also not shy about telling you what she likes. "I like...., do you like....?" and "I like it!" are heard in her sing-song voice every day. It makes me like whatever she likes all the more.
- And sometimes the comedy has no words at all....like at dance class last Saturday when rather than navigating the obstacle course like the rest of the class, she picked up a hula hoop, sang "LA-LA-LA" at the top of her lungs and crashed through the all the obstacle stations like a little Godzilla decimating Tokyo. She is now working on the phrase "following directions"...she's got the articulation, but the meaning remains elusive.
While I used to be heartbroken she is growing up so quickly, now I feel that every stage is even better than the one before. I never, ever thought it would be possible to love a little person so deeply and have to much fun just being in their presence. She's a ham, a tomboy who loves to tumble and climb, a girly girl who likes to wear my tallest shoes and jewelry, a cuddler, nature lover, social butterfly, adventurer, budding artist, sometime exhibitionist and now accidental comedienne. Can't wait to see what she adds to the list next!