The Latest on the Lowes

We started this blog to share the transformation of our 1926 fixer...but with time and the addition of kids it has become my way of documenting two childhoods...the triumphs, moments of hilarity, lessons learned and everything in between.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer in Full Swing

The summer is flying by and I have a hard time believing it's already the end of July.  The month kicked off with a great 4th.  Matteo is still too small to stay up for the fireworks (they don't start until 10pm up here), but for the first time Lily got to see the show.  Katie and Michael live around the corner from a cul-de-sac on Queen Anne right above the barge, so we set up chairs in the morning and come viewing time they were right there, waiting for us.  We'd attached balloons to them, but not wanting to block anyone's view we deflated them before the show.  Katie and I entertained Lily by sucking out all the helium and showing her the voice trick...that may have been a mistake as the next morning I found her sucking on the deflated balloons (still attached to the chairs) in the hopes of making her voice funny.  She is now obsessed with helium.

Other than helium antics, it's been the usual Seattle summer - street fairs and parades, tons of outdoor time.  In fact, Matteo has become super proficient and grabbing his sun hat, pulling it on sideways and plaintively mewling "outside....outsiiiiiiide."  He's also into doing things probably only I find endearing and care about - like pulling out the kitchen stool and reenacting all the steps to make coffee like daddy does, and pulling his sock onto his hand to make a little puppet (he delights both me AND himself with this trick), and being safety conscious and immediately buckling himself into (or trying to) car seats, shopping carts, etc. and carefully placing his finger over the holes of the sippy cup when he is lying in bed so it doesn't spurt out at him as he lowers it to his mouth. 

Lily has also mastered the art of buckling herself into the car - something that makes my life easier but is yet another reminder of how big she is.  She also had her first "girl's night" with five of her classmates - it was both fascinating and terrifying to observe the social interactions of 6 little girls eating pizza, watching a movie and getting manicures.  I won't name names, but it's already clear who the queen bee, leaders, followers and rebels will be.

And now for the quotes and conversations of the month...

Lily: What does moody mean? 
Me: Someone who pouts a lot, complains and is a pill
Lily: Oh - like Matteo!

Lily: Hello big tummy! 
Me: That's rude and hurts my feelings
Lily: I just meant you're really good at eating a lot of food (not sure that makes me feel any better)

"Mountain reindeer" - Lily's interpretation of Mt Rainier

"Mama - we're doing a play at my school. It's called The Little Red Hen. It's not very entertaining" - with deadpan delivery

Jack: I don't like Angelina ballerina
Lily: Hey!
Jack: And my dad doesn't either
Lily: Hey!
Jack: She sucks

Jack: So you know what turd means?  Ok I'll just tell you. It means diarrhea!
Lily: (erupts in hysterical giggles)

Nothing to do with the kids, but worth a mention because I'm proud of it - Tim and I did a Warrior Dash this month.  Here is the aftermath.