Last month as an only child...

The following weekend was the last special Lily outing. My friend Esther's husband was up in
Seattle for a sneak preview of Cars 2 and Q&A session at the Seattle Film Fest (he works at Pixar). Lily loves going to the movies and loves Pixar so it was great to be able to take her, even if she no longer fit on my lap (her prefered theater seating). She even took part in the Q&A....true, she just repeated the question the kid right before her asked, but she displayed great hand raising enthusiasm and was delighted to be called on.

And of course, the month was filled with gems like these:
- When hearing the ice cream man's truck moving further from our house rather than closer "nope, nope, not right, not right AT ALL!" delivered with small hands on hips
- When watching Star Wars for the first time with Daddy "Mommy! The black guy is really mean!" I let her know his name was Darth Vadar and perhaps it would be better to refer to him that way
- When showing me the Dinosaur book Daddy got her at the zoo "If he ate me, I would turn into poop" (actually, this is a very astute observation!)
And finally, a few cute anecdotes...
Lily was sitting in our bed one Saturday night when Chris flopped next to her and accidentally smooshed her foot, which immediately resulted in water works. I had been sitting out in the living room, covertly eating Jelly Bellies when I realized the wailing wasn't going to stop without some mama hugs, so I went on in. Sure enough, she is red-faced with tears streaming down her cheeks, but as soon as I sat next to her she immediately sniffed, stopped crying and asked in a very accusatory tone "WHAT IS THAT? A JELLY BEAN?!" Wow - no sneaking anything past our little bloodhound.
Going back to the "what's he saying" game I wrote about last month, I was asked to give Paco a voice and a song when he was lifting his paw. I started singing shake-shake-shake...shake your PAW, shake your PAW....when Lily stops me and announced SHE has a song like that. She then launched into a rousing rendition of Shake Your Booty, complete with booty shakes.
Another day while driving home from school, Lily wanted to show me how she could do a shark mouth and made chomp-chomp-chomp noises. I told her what a scary shark she was and if I saw her in the ocean I would swim away, to which she responded "No you wouldn't because I am your daughter!" Indeed you are my love, indeed you are.