Holidays are here again...

Then it came time to actually approach and (gasp) sit on Santa.
Long story, short - Lily was having none of it. No siree, she wasn't going anywhere NEAR the strange, bearded, fat guy. He offered her candy canes and the photo girls gave her a reindeer, all to no avail. Sure, she was happy enough to accept the candy and the reindeer, but firmly drew the line at lap-sitting.
We like to think of ourselves as decent parents so we know better than to force our child to sit on a stranger's lap against her will in exchange for sugary treats. However, we were there and I had my new camera so darn it, a picture was going to happen. Thankfully, one of the perks of marriage that that there are two of you to deal with Santa crises, so with a little encouragement (and no candy), Chris demonstrated how you ask Santa for a present. Lily was impressed, but still not buying ultimately she just sat on Chris and got a picture Santa-adjacent. Note the "I don't know about you" look on her face - I think it's priceless.
In case you were wondering, she did make a present request in the end. Truly her father's daughter, she asked for a screwdriver (actually a "screwverdriver"). A pink one.