Creating a fairy garden at Swanson's |
The summer that never ends. The hottest summer on record. Call it what you want, I am ready to bid adieu and re-acquaint myself with my beloved scarves, sweaters, jackets and, in short, layer up. Alas it is the end of the month and despite having some dew on my windshield early in the morning, it feels like there is no end in sight. While it's easy to dismiss my whining as First World Problems, it feels more serious when half the state is on fire and Seattle is covered in wildfire smoke. We NEED rain - and not just so I can wear a jacket. Thankfully there were some bright spots to the month, most notably POTTY TRAINING.
Full Tilt - In big boy pants! |
That's right. Matteo is officially a big boy and last month was, in fact, NOT a tease, but the start of his new life in underwear. To say that we are thrilled/relieved/proud doesn't cover it. I genuinely researched if pull-ups came in adolescent boy sizes for fear he'd be in middle school before he used a toilet. It didn't come to that, and we are incredibly grateful. Even with the excitement of the Lynch family in town for a week he was able to maintain through field trips to Full Tilt and the Minions
movie. It's the real deal, people!!
She filled 5 of those bags |
August was also a month of taking a hard look in the parenting mirror. Like many of our friends, we want to spoil our kids, but we don't want spoiled kids. We love to surprise them with treats, but we want them to appreciate that treats are treat and not a norm. It's been several months since Lily got her ears pierced and I agreed to let her change out her earrings, but only if the replacements were hypoallergenic surgical steel after finally recovering from a nasty infection. We went down to Fred Meyer to find a new pair, but they only had cheap pairs made of questionable materials. I told her that I wasn't going to risk her ears getting infected again and that we would have to instead order a pair and that thanks to my Prime account they would arrive in two days. TWO DAYS. Think you've seen pouting? Well, you haven't. The dismay that followed was extreme, disproportionate, embarrassing and unwarranted. It was also a direct reflection on our propensity to say yes too often and the consequence of wanting to give your kids everything you didn't have. Just like that we made a decision, sat the kids down, and explained with the exception of birthdays, Christmas and trips, there would be no presents/toys/extras unless they paid for them with money they earned. And you know what? It's been great. Lily begged for a new Disney Infinity character a week later and knowing the rule, she shoveled yard debris from the remodel - 5 huge bags worth - to earn the difference between the cost and her allowance. The lesson for me was a good one - making your kids happy feels good temporarily, but building character and appreciation ensures a
happy life.
When they weren't busy learning lessons, they did have some funny things to say...
Matteo: You love me five dollars!
Me: Five dollars?! Five GAZILLION dollars!
Matteo, holding up a finger: And I love you 1 dollar.
Me, texting another parent of a preschool boy: Matteo just announced he was done with breakfast and
Bob celebrating National Dog Day |
tried to roll his plate to me like a wheel. Prepare yourself for life with a 4-year-old boy.
Matteo, mid jammie change, arms stuck: "arghhhh...Zombie Matteo!"
Me, after bringing Lily to work with me*: "I'm slow at work right now so we can do this, but it won't always be this way because sometimes I get really busy"
Lily: "I know, it's heartbreaking"
*Lily loooooves coming to work with me. I think the free soda and udon at the Commons is a big factor
Lily, listening to the acoustic version of
I Crumble on the radio: "I think she's being a little dramatic"
Matteo: I'm really sad Lily is at camp
Me: Why? Do you miss her?
Matteo:Yes and I want to say hi to her.
(She was gone 1 night...but good to know he actually does like her)
Matteo's random response, several times a week with no rhyme or reason: WHAT?! NO WAY!!
She's balancing all her weight on one
hand with a straight back. Of course she
rules her tumble class. |
Lily's response when she saw she is the only girl in her new co-ed tumbling class: No way
Lily's response after trying the class and schooling all the boys: I'm going to stick with this class.
That's our girl.